薄壁支架可减小支架的持续外向力 (COF)²

薄壁支架和更低 COF 具有重要意义:*
• 再狭窄风险更低 3
• 减少血管损伤和炎症 3
• 内皮化速度更快 4,5
适用于股动脉和近端腘动脉粥样硬化疾病患者,尤其适用于治疗经皮腔内血管成形术 (PTA) 后效果不理想者(例如,残余狭窄和夹层)*。
• 再狭窄风险更低 3
• 减少血管损伤和炎症 3
• 内皮化速度更快 4,5
支架 | |
导管类型 | OTW |
匹配导丝 | 0.035” |
支架材料 | 镍钛合金 |
支架梁厚度 | 140 μm |
支撑梁宽度 | 85 μm |
支架涂层 | proBIO®(非晶碳化硅) |
支架标记 | 每端 6 个黄金标记 |
规格型号 | 直径:5.0 - 7.0 mm;长度:30 - 200 mm |
近端杆身 | 6F,疏水涂层 |
工作长度 | 90 和 135 cm |
支架 ø (mm) |
导管长度 90 cm (支架长度,mm) |
30 | 40 | 60 | 80 | 100 | 120 | 150 | 170 | 200 | ||
6F | 5 | 379878 | 379879 | 379880 | 379881 | 379917 | 379918 | 379919 | 379920 | 379921 |
6 | 379883 | 379884 | 379885 | 379886 | 379922 | 379923 | 379924 | 379925 | 379926 | |
7 | 379888 | 379889 | 379890 | 379891 | 379927 | 379928 | 379929 | 379930 | 379931 |
支架 ø (mm) |
导管长度 135 cm (支架长度,mm) |
30 | 40 | 60 | 80 | 100 | 120 | 150 | 170 | 200 | ||
6F | 5 | 379898 | 379899 | 379900 | 379901 | 379937 | 379938 | 379939 | 379940 | 379941 |
6 | 379903 | 379904 | 379905 | 379906 | 379942 | 379943 | 379944 | 379945 | 379946 | |
7 | 379908 | 379909 | 379910 | 379911 | 379947 | 379948 | 379949 | 379950 | 379951 |
TLR = 靶病变血运重建 (TLR);A.L.L = 平均病变长度
1. 百多力存档数据。6.0 mm 直径; 2.百多力存档数据。6.0 mm 直径。Supera 支架由于其设计和应用的测试方法而无法进行测试; 3.Zhao HQ Late stent expansion and neointimal proliferation of oversized nitinol stents in peripheral arteries.Cardiovasc.Interv.Radiol.2009; 32(4); 720-6;4.Koskinas C. Role of endothelial shear stress in stent restenosis and thrombosis: pathophysiologic mechanisms and implications for clinical translation.JACC 2012 10;59(15):1337-49;5.Koppara T. Thrombogenicity and early vascular healing response in metallic biodegradable polymer-based and fully bioabsorbable drug-eluting stents.Circ Cardiovasc Interv.2015 8(6):e002427;6.Funovics M. Correlation between chronic outward force (COF) and neointimal hyperplasia in self-expanding nitinol stents in swine in clinically relevant oversizing ranges.Presented at: LINC, Jan 26, 2017; Leipzig, Germany; 7. Lichtenberg et al.Effectiveness of the Pulsar-18 self-expanding stent with optional drug-coated balloon angioplasty in the treatment of femoropopliteal lesions - the BIOFLEX PEACE All-Comers Registry.Vasa (2019), 1-9. doi_10.10240301-1526a000785;8.Bosiers M et al. 4-French - compatible endovascular material is safe & effective in the treatment of femoropopliteal occlusive disease: Results of the 4EVER Trial.ENDOVASC THER 2013; 20: 746-756;9.Lichtenberg M. Superficial Femoral Artery TASC D registry: 12-month effectiveness analysis of the Pulsar-18 SE nitinol stent in patients with critical limb ischemia.J Cardiovasc Surg (Torino).2013 ; 54(4):433-9; 10.百多力存档数据。
领先竞争产品的选择基于欧盟 PV 支架收入市场份额(2017 年)和亚太地区 PV 收入市场份额(2015 年)(来源:Millennium Research Group Inc.)。
*具体适应证请参见技术手册。Pulsar 和 proBIO 是百多力集团公司的商标或注册商标。所有其他商标的所有权均归其各自所有者拥有。