Solvia Rise DR-T/SR-T
Mit Solvia Rise haben Sie die Wahl. Nutzen Sie ein breites Spektrum an Behandlungsoptionen wie z.B. die physiologische Stimulation, welche mit Hilfe der Closed-Loop-Stimulation (CLS) eine nahezu intrinsische Regulation der Herzleistung ermöglicht.
Gleichzeitig automatisiert Solvia Rise viele Routineaufgaben bei Implantation, Präsenznachsorgen, Fernüberwachung und MRT-Scans. Sie versorgen Ihre Patienten mit physiologischer Stimulation und verbesserter Therapie. Gleichzeitig werden die täglichen Abläufe vereinfacht, so dass Sie einer größeren Zahl von Patienten mehr persönliche Aufmerksamkeit widmen können.
Anpassung an physiologische Patientenbedürfnisse dank CLS
1) BIOTRONIK Amvia Edge technical manual, Medtronic Azure XT DR MRI SureScan™ manual; Boston Scientific Accolade MRI™ technical manual; Abbott Assurity MRI™ user’s manual; MicroPort Alizea™ implant manual. 2) Lindovska M, Kameník L, Pollock B, et al. Clinical observations with Closed Loop Stimulation pacemakers in a large patient cohort: the CYLOS routine documentation registry (RECORD). Europace. 2012; 14: 1587–1595. 3) Santini M, Ricci R, Pignalberi C, et al. Effect of autonomic stressors on rate control in pacemakers using ventricular impedance signal. Pacing Clin Electrophysiol. 2004; 27: 24-32. 4) Mabo P, Victor F, Bazin P, et al. A randomized trial of long-term remote monitoring of pacemaker recipients (the COMPAS trial). Eur Heart J. 2012; 33(9): 1105-1111. 5) Sharma PS, Patel NR, Ravi V, et al. Clinical outcomes of left bundle branch area pacing compared to right ventricular pacing: Results from the Geisinger-Rush Conduction System Pacing Registry. Heart Rhythm. 2022; 19(1): 3-11. 6) De Pooter J, Ozpak E, Calle S, et al. Initial experience of left bundle branch area pacing using stylet-driven pacing leads: A multicenter study. J Cardiovasc Electrophysiol. 2022; 33(7): 1540-1549. Disclaimer: This material only summarizes the investigational use of tools for conduction system pacing (CSP) by De Pooter et al. in their clinical study. Please note that the Solia S lead is not approved for CSP. BIOTRONIK CSP tools are not currently approved for conduction system pacing in the United States. Content not intended for US healthcare providers. 7) Menezes AS, Daher MT, Nascente CM, Moreira HG, Moreira TAC, and Campos RN. Correlation among Closed Loop Stimulation, cardiopulmonary capacity, and quality of life PBMR. 2003; 8(2): 119-124. 8) Pavri BB and Russel S. An impedance sensor is superior to an accelerometer for chronotropically incompetent patients with sinus node dysfunction: results of a pilot study with a dual sensor pacemaker. 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J Cardiovasc Electrophysiol. 2020; 31: 1187-1194. 14) Coenen M, Malinowski K, Spitz W, et al. Closed loop stimulation and accelerometer-based rate adaptation: results of the PROVIDE study. Europace. 2008; 10: 327-333. 15) Nattel S, Burstein B, Dobrev D. Atrial remodeling and atrial fibrillation: mechanisms and implications. Circ Arrhythm Electrophysiol. 2008; 1(1): 62-73. 16) Data on file. 17) Varma N, Epstein AE, Irimpen A, et al. Efficacy and safety of automatic remote monitoring for implantable cardioverter-defibrillator follow-up: the Lumos-T Safely Reduces Routine Office Device Follow-up (TRUST) trial. Circulation. 2010; 122(4): 325-332. 18) Mullane S, Michaelis K, Henrickson C, et al. Utilization and programming of an automatic MRI recognition feature for cardiac rhythm management devices. Heart Rhythm O2. 2021; 2: 132–137. 19). Data on file. 20) Siddamsetti S, Shinn A, Gautam S. Remote programming of cardiac implantable electronic devices: a novel approach to program cardiac devices for magnetic resonance imaging. J Cardiovasc Electrophysiol. 2022;33(5):1005–1009. 21) Watanabe E, Yamazaki F, Goto T, et al. Remote management of pacemaker patients with biennial in-clinic evaluation: continuous Home Monitoring in the Japanese At-Home study: A randomized clinical trial. Circ Arrhythm Electrophysiol. 2020 May;13(5):e007734. doi: 10.1161/CIRCEP.119.007734. 22) Garcia-Fernández FJ, Asensi JO, Romero R, et al. Safety and efficiency of a common and simplified protocol for pacemaker and defibrillator surveillance based on remote monitoring only: a long-term randomized trial (RM-ALONE). Eur Heart J. 2019; 40(23): 1837–1846. 23) Ricci RP, Morichelli L, Quarta L, et al. Long-term patient acceptance of and satisfaction with implanted device remote monitoring, Europace. 2010; 12(5): 674-679. 24) Data on file. 25) Data on file. 26) Amvia Edge SR-T 10 years; Limited Warranty for BIOTRONIK Cardiac Implantable Electronic Devices; Medtronic Limited Warranty Summary; Boston Scientific Limited Warranty Information and Forms; Abbott CRM Warranty Procedures Reference Manual; MicroPort Alizea DR™/Alizea SR ™ Implant Manual. 27) Amvia Edge DR-T 8 years; Limited Warranty for BIOTRONIK Cardiac Implantable Electronic Devices; Medtronic Limited Warranty Summary; Boston Scientific Limited Warranty Information and Forms; Abbott CRM Warranty Procedures Reference Manual; MicroPort Alizea DR™/Alizea SR ™ Implant Manual. 28) Amvia Edge SR-T: At 2.5 V/0.4 ms, 60 bpm, 500 Ω; pacing: 50 %, Home Monitoring: OFF, QuickCheck: OFF, RF-Telemetry: OFF. 29) Amvia Edge DR-T: A: 2.5V/0.4ms, 60 bpm, 500 Ohm, pacing: 50%, RV: 2.5V/0.4ms, 60 bpm, 500 Ohm, pacing: 5%, Home Monitoring OFF, QuickCheck: OFF, RF-Telemetry: OFF, Vp Suppression: ON.