La tecnología DX demuestra una alta precisión en la detección de la fibrilación auricular (FA) en pacientes con DAI monocameral El estudio a gran escala muestra que los sistemas DAI DX en combinación con Home Monitoring permiten la monitorización fiable de la FA subclínica recomendada por las guías
Los resultados del estudio MATRIX muestran que la alta precisión en la detección de los sistemas DAI DX con un solo cable para los episodios de FA (99,7 % para episodios ≥1 h), combinada con el potente rendimiento de transmisión de BIOTRONIK Home Monitoring®, permite la monitorización remota fiable de la FA subclínica recomendada por las guías. Los resultados se publicaron en Europace a principios de esta semana. 1
MATRIX evaluó la utilidad del sistema DAI DX (detección de la señal auricular mediante un dípolo flotante integrado en el cable del DAI) para la monitorización remota de los episodios de alta frecuencia auricular (AHRE) y la evolución de su duración. Además, el estudio analizó las implicaciones clínicas de la detección y la evolución de los AHRE. El resultado del estudio debe interpretarse en el contexto de las directrices sobre la FA de 2020 de la Sociedad Europea de Cardiología, que recomiendan la monitorización remota de los AHRE detectados con dispositivo y proporcionan una guía adicional dependiendo de la carga AF junto con los estratos de duración preespecificados.
El estudio estuvo dirigido por el Prof. Dr. Gerhard Hindricks, Deutsches Herzzentrum der Charité, y el Prof. Dr. Dr. Andreas Bollmann, Centro de Cardiología de Leipzig en la Universidad de Leipzig e Instituto Helios de la Salud, Alemania, como investigadores coordinadores, y contó con el patrocinio de BIOTRONIK. El registro internacional multicéntrico incluyó a 2.054 pacientes DAI DX en 119 centros de 24 países. Los pacientes se sometieron a un seguimiento de 24 meses en condiciones de vida real, es decir, los centros participantes siguieron su esquema de seguimiento habitual.
«Sabemos que la fibrilación auricular multiplica por 5 el riesgo de accidentes cerebrovasculares, y por 3,5 la mortalidad por cualquier causa, y que comenzar a tiempo con la terapia de anticoagulación ayuda a evitar el accidente cerebrovascular. Además, el carácter a menudo asintomático de la fibrilación auricular dificulta su diagnóstico y tratamiento», comentó el Prof. Dr. Gerhard Hindricks, Deutsches Herzzentrum der Charité, Alemania. «Nuestro análisis demuestra que es posible detectar y monitorizar los AHRE con una precisión alta en los pacientes con DAI monocameral usando la tecnología DX. Junto con la fiabilidad probada de la transmisión de Home Monitoring, esto facilita una monitorización fiable de la carga de AHRE, tal y como recomiendan las guías actuales».
Además, MATRIX destaca la relevancia clínica de la monitorización continua de los AHRE.«El AHRE de nueva aparición no es raro, y la necesidad de una actuación clínica aumenta con los episodios más largos. En nuestro estudio, el 69 % de los pacientes que presentaban AHRE de nueva aparición tuvieron episodios de una hora o más al final del seguimiento», explicó el Prof. Dr. Dr. Andreas Bollmann, Centro de Cardiología de Leipzig en la Universidad de Leipzig e Instituto Helios de la Salud, Alemania. «Dado que estos pacientes tienen en su mayoría un riesgo de ACV CHA2DS2-VASc de medio a alto, se podrían beneficiar de una prescripción a tiempo de anticoagulantes si se puede prever un beneficio clínico neto».
«El estudio MATRIX, como la mayor evaluación clínica de la tecnología DX hasta la fecha, ha demostrado claramente y en condiciones de mundo real que los DAI DX junto con BIOTRONIK Home Monitoring pueden proporcionar beneficios clínicamente relevantes, que ayudan a los médicos a tomar a tiempo las decisiones correctas y conformes a las guías médicas actuales para sus pacientes con DAI monocameral», añadió el Dr. David Hayes, director médico de BIOTRONIK, BIOTRONIK, Inc.
1. Hindricks G., Theuns, D., Bar-Lev D. et al.: Ability to remotely monitor atrial high-rate episodes using a single-chamber implantable cardioverter-defibrillator with a floating atrial sensing dipole, EP Europace, 2023;, euad061,
Acerca de BIOTRONIK:
En BIOTRONIK, el bienestar del paciente es nuestra principal prioridad y lo ha sido durante 60 años. BIOTRONIK es una empresa líder mundial en tecnología médica con productos y servicios que salvan y mejoran la vida de millones de personas con patologías cardíacas y de los vasos sanguíneos, así como dolor crónico. Impulsados por el objetivo de combinar a la perfección la tecnología y el cuerpo humano, trabajamos para desarrollar soluciones cardiovasculares, endovasculares y de neuromodulación innovadoras. BIOTRONIK tiene su sede en Berlín (Alemania) y representación en más de 100 países.
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ImageLAKE OSWEGO, Oregon, USAPress Release
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First Implant of Amvia Sky in Europe, the World’s First Pacemaker Approved for LBBAP*
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ImageBERLIN, GermanyPress Release
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ImageBUELACH, SwitzerlandPress Release
New Data Highlight Promising Angiographic and Safety Profile of BIOTRONIK’s Third Generation Resorbable Magnesium Scaffold
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ImageBERLIN, GermanyPress Release
BIOTRONIK Conduction System Pacing Tools Received CE Mark for Left Bundle Branch Area Pacing
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ImageBUELACH, SwitzerlandPress Release
BIOTRONIK Announces Its Latest Innovation: Oscar Multifunctional Peripheral Catheter
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ImageBÜLACH, SwitzerlandPress Release
CE-approval for BIOTRONIK’s Next-Gen Metallic Bioresorbable Scaffold Freesolve
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ImageSINGAPOREPress Release
BIOTRONIK Opens New Asia-Pacific Hub in Singapore
BIOTRONIK announced today the opening of its new Asia Pacific Manufacturing and Research Hub. The 20,000 m² site will serve as the company’s central hub in Asia-Pacific, with hundreds of employees working in manufacturing, quality, research & development (R&D), and sales and marketing. BIOTRONIK, founded in Berlin, Germany, in 1963 is a pioneer in implantable pacemakers, defibrillators, and vascular intervention for 60 years. BIOTRONIK’s presence in Singapore began in 2012, and in 2016, the company inaugurated its first manufacturing site, complementing its high-quality manufacturing sites in
ImageBERLIN, GermanyPress Release
BIOTRONIK’s DX Technology Reaches Significant Milestone: 100,000 DX Devices Implanted
BIOTRONIK announced the milestone achievement of 100,000 implanted single-chamber implantable cardioverter-defibrillators (ICDs) equipped with DX Technology. Since the introduction of this unique technology in 2009, clinicians in more than 80 countries across all continents use DX ICDs. “Reaching this significant milestone, BIOTRONIK stands as a proud pioneer and partner in cardiac rhythm management. Our commitment to quality and focus on innovation sets us apart, allowing us to introduce meaningful innovations in the market, such as DX Technology, that make a real difference in patients’
ImageBÜLACH, SwitzerlandPress Release
BIOTRONIK and IMDS Join Forces to Launch Innovative Micro Rx Catheter
BIOTRONIK is proud to introduce the Micro Rx™ catheter, a novel rapid exchange microcatheter developed to easily enhance guidewire support during percutaneous coronary interventions (PCI). This cutting-edge device, exclusively distributed by BIOTRONIK, is manufactured by IMDS (Interventional Medical Device Solutions). Micro Rx catheter marks the fourth IMDS product BIOTRONIK has brought to the U.S., creating a compelling portfolio of devices which includes NHancer Rx, TrapIT, and ReCross catheters. The Micro Rx catheter features a reinforced distal shaft with a core wire between two layers of
ImageBERLIN, GermanyPress Release
New BIOlMASTER.Selectra 3D Study Highlights Exceptional Safety and Performance of BIOTRONIK’s Selectra 3D Guiding Catheter for CSP
In a recent prospective, international, multicenter, nonrandomized trial, the BIO|MASTER.Selectra 3D study assessed the performance and safety of BIOTRONIK’s Selectra 3D guiding catheter, revealing compelling insights into its ease of handling and effectiveness. Conducted across 10 centers in Australia, Hong Kong and Europe, the study included 157 patients who underwent a CSP procedure for bradycardia pacing or heart failure indications. The results of this research have been published in the Heart Rhythm O 2 journal. 1 Key Findings of the BIO|MASTER.Selectra 3D Study: High Success Rate in
ImageBÜLACH, SwitzerlandPress Release
FDA Breakthrough Device Designation for BIOTRONIK Freesolve™ Below-the-Knee Resorbable Magnesium Scaffold (RMS)
BIOTRONIK has been granted Breakthrough Device Designation (BDD) from the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for the Freesolve™ below-the-knee resorbable magnesium scaffold (BTK RMS). The Freesolve BTK RMS is designed for individuals suffering from chronic limb-threatening ischemia (CLTI). CLTI is the most severe form of peripheral arterial disease (PAD), estimated to affect 11% of the 200 million people suffering from PAD globally. CLTI is associated with high rates of amputation and mortality as well as high care costs. 1 To qualify for a Breakthrough Device Designation, a device
ImageBERLIN, GermanyPress Release
BIOTRONIK Introduces New BIOMONITOR IV Insertable Cardiac Monitor with Artificial Intelligence at EHRA Congress 2024
BIOTRONIK announced the CE approval and first European implant of its latest insertable cardiac monitor (ICM). The BIOMONITOR IV features artificial intelligence (AI) for false positive reduction. It is the only ICM on the market with premature ventricular and atrial contraction (PVC and PAC) discrimination capabilities, 1,2 as well as industry-leading signal quality and transmission success for highly reliable remote patient management. 3 False positive detections may take clinicians a considerable amount of time to review. That’s why BIOMONITOR IV features SmartECG, an intelligent system
ImageLAKE OSWEGO, Oregon, USAPress Release
BENEFIT-01 Study Now Published in Neuromodulation: A Glimpse into the Future of Spinal Cord Stimulation Programming
BIOTRONIK is pleased to announce the release of the results of the BENEFIT-01 study published in Neuromodulation. 1 The prospective, multi-center study was designed to investigate the influence of clinically relevant Spinal Cord Stimulation (SCS) parameters on patient perception. BENEFIT-01 marked the beginning of a series of SCS clinical studies with the aim of developing an SCS technology that provides sustained pain relief with few side effects. From July to November 2017, 40 patients with low back and/or leg pain who had completed a commercial SCS trial were enrolled at seven clinical
ImageBERLIN, GermanyPress Release
BIOTRONIK Introduces World’s First and Only System CE Approved for Left Bundle Branch Area Pacing (LBBAP)
Following the recent CE approval of the Solia S lead 1 for LBBAP, BIOTRONIK proudly announces the world’s first and only complete CSP system, now fully CE-approved for Left Bundle Branch Area Pacing (LBBAP). 2 The BIOTRONIK CSP system comprises three proven components: Selectra 3D catheters offering exceptional handling 3, Solia S leads – the most popular choice of stylet-driven leads for LBBAP 4 providing enhanced stability 3, and the Amvia pacemaker family, the first and only family approved for LBBAP. 2 Notably, this groundbreaking system is the world’s first and only approved MR
ImageLAKE OSWEGO, Oregon, USAPress Release
The Future of Single Chamber ICDs: BIOTRONIK Takes Unprecedented Market Stance with Proprietary DX Technology
BIOTRONIK, a leader in implantable medical device technology, announced today they will solely supply their proprietary DX models for new single-chamber ICD implants moving forward. The move is being made in response to overwhelming recent clinical data demonstrating superior diagnostics and decreased complication risk of DX compared to traditional high-voltage systems. 1-4 “Based on the current evidence, it is clear we must focus on what is proving to be a lower risk technology with added benefits,” said Dr. Alexander Uhl, BIOTRONIK CEO. “Therefore, we have made the decision to offer only DX