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HeartInsight — Heart Failure Management Solution

Accurate Prediction. Proactive Care.

Heart failure is a leading cause of hospitalizations, and each hospitalization reflects a deteriorating prognosis for the patient.1,2 Managing heart failure patients is complex and requires significant resources.3 Health care providers face the difficult tasks of reducing costs and preventing hospitalizations through early identification and care of at-risk patients.

HeartInsight is a premium remote heart failure management solution that identifies patients at higher risk of decompensation early on. HeartInsight predicts heart failure hospitalizations — automatically and with high sensitivity — by combining multiple parameters into a single composite score, leading to one actionable alert. Industrywide it has the lowest false-alert rate and provides the earliest notifications of silent clinical changes that may lead to heart failure hospitalizations.4,5

HeartInsight streamlines your work by accurately identifying at-risk patients early on, so you can proactively care for those who need you the most. This may ultimately result in improved patient outcomes, as well as reduced clinical burden and costs associated with heart failure management.


Remote Patient Monitoring Solutions

Product Highlights

Icon Sensitivity

66% Sensitivity

Predicting 2 out of 3 heart failure hospitalizations

Icon 42 Days

42 Days

Alert time (median)

Icon 0.7 False Alert Rate ppy

0.7 False Alert Rate ppy

Only 1 false alert every 17 months

Product Details

HeartInsight — Being One Step Ahead Can Make All the Difference

HeartInsight shifts heart failure management from detection to prediction to allow clinical teams to focus their valuable time on those who need them the most.

Icon One Accurate Alert

One Accurate Alert

For Identifying Patients at Higher Risk of Worsening Heart Failure

Receiving multiple inaccurate alerts with vague actionability is inefficient and time-consuming. HeartInsight is different: It provides a single alert to support confident decision making. This enables you to spend less time on false alerts and focus on the patients that need you most.

  • 66% alert sensitivity, predicting 2 out of 3 heart failure hospitalizations.6
  • Low alert burden, with <1 alert per patient year (ppy).8
  • 0.7 false alert rate ppy (industry-leading: one false alert every 17 months).5
  • One dedicated list for patient stratification helps prioritize tasks.
Icon One Engaging Patient App

One Engaging Patient App

For Collecting Self-Assessment Information Relevant to Heart Failure

Engaging patients and contacting them to collect clinical information can be challenging and resource-intensive. The Patient App is designed to engage patients to provide behavioral and symptom information by automatically prompting collection of this data. This supports patient management and may free up your time for other tasks.

  • The HF alert automatically prompts patients to provide HF-relevant behavioral and symptom information.
  • Comprises of 8 HF-relevant questions designed by clinical experts.
Icon One Insightful Dashboard

One Insightful Dashboard

For Supporting Confident Decision Making

With a growing cardiac device population, gathering and interpreting data to determine patient status is becoming more cumbersome and complex. HeartInsight helps streamline this process by organizing information clearly and intuitively. Through incorporation of patient-reported data from the Patient App, HeartInsight enables you to correlate signs and symptoms – intended to support patient assessment.

  • All-in-one alert: 8 parameters combined into one score and trend.
  • Automatically adds patient-reported symptoms from the Patient App, intended to support patient assessment.
  • One dashboard and report for all relevant information.
  • 91% daily transmission success rate, based on the proven and reliable BIOTRONIK Home Monitoring® platform.6
  • Dedicated patient list, action log and pdf report to facilitate collaboration between clinicians.
  • Provides swift EHR integration, enabled by DataSync
Icon One Step Ahead

One Step Ahead

For Initiating a Meaningful Change

Heart failure patients often present with serious complications, highlighting the need for proactive care. HeartInsight provides a predictive alert to give you more time for contacting patients and initiating meaningful change. This may improve patient outcomes and reduce costly hospitalizations.

  • 42 days alert time for proactive care.*
  • Earliest notification of worsening heart failure signs even before patients report symptoms.4
  • Available for your new and existing ICD & CRT-D device patients.**

Clinical Facts

SELENE HF Multi-Center Study

The SELENE HF study assessed more than 900 patients and validated that the HeartInsight algorithm provides sensitive and timely prediction of impending heart failure decompensation with a low false-alert rate.

Key Findings

  • 66% alert sensitivity, predicting 2 out of 3 heart failure hospitalizations.6
  • 42 days alert time for proactive care.*
  • Low alert burden, with <1 alert per patient year (ppy).8
  • 0.7 false alert rate per patient year (industry-leading: one false alert every 17 months).5

Learn more about Selene HF

Download study brochure


All-in-One Alert

8 parameters combined into one score and trend.

HeartInsight’s sophisticated algorithm automatically combines 8 highly HF-relevant parameters in one score. When the score crosses a configurable threshold, HeartInsight provides a single, predictive alert identifying patients at higher risk of worsening heart failure. It is intended to allow clinical teams to care proactively and initiate a meaningful changes, even before patients may report symptoms.

  • HeartInsight calculates and weighs the score daily
  • Triggers an alert notifying you when you need to be proactive
  • Mean Heart Rate
  • Mean Heart Rate at Rest
  • Premature Ventriculation Contractions
  • Atrial Burden
  • Heart Rate Variability
  • Patient Activity
  • Thoracic Impedance
  • Baseline Risk Stratifier7 (optional)

The HeartInsight Clinical Workflow

Monitor Your Patients Remotely with One Reliable Platform

  • HeartInsight is integrated into BIOTRONIK Home Monitoring®.
  • Easy plug-and-go setup.
  • Automatic daily transmission without patient involvement – for 91% transmission success.6

Get Notified by One Accurate Alert

  • HeartInsight alerts you on increased risk of worsening patient condition.
  • Our sophisticated algorithm combines 8 highly relevant parameters into one score, calculated daily.

Take Action Based on One Insightful Dashboard and Report ***

  • Interpret all relevant information in one place – to make confident decisions.
  • Provides swift EHR integration, enabled by DataSync.

Improve Outcome

This may ultimately result in improved patient outcomes, decreased clinical burden, and reduced costs associated with heart failure management.


AIAC 2022: Benefits and Impact of HeartInsight for Clinicians
AIAC 2022: Prevention of Hospital Readmissions with HeartInsight
AIAC 2022: Enhanced Patient Management with HeartInsight May Lead to Increased Patient Survival
AIAC 2022: HeartInsight - A Predictor and Tool for Treating Heart Failure Patients
EHRA 2022: Efficient prediction of HF hospitalization with HeartInsight
ESC 2021⁠: Future Direction of Remote Cardiac Monitoring

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1. Ambrosy AP et al. The Global Health and Economic Burden of Hospitalizations for Heart Failure Lessons Learned From Hospitalized Heart Failure Registries. J Am Coll Cardiol 2014; 63:1123–33.; 2. Gheorghiade M et al. Pathophysiologic Targets in the Early Phase of Acute Heart Failure Syndromes. Am J Cardiol; 2005; 96:11G–17G.; 3. Ponikowski Pet al. HF preventing disease and death worldwide. ESC Heart Fail 2014 Sep;1(1):4–25.; 4. Comparison of alerting time in validation studies: D’Onofrio et al. Europace 2021 doi:10.1093/europace/euab170; Boehmer JP et al. J Am Coll Cardiol Heart Fail. 2017 Mar, 5 (3) 216–225; Cowie MR et al. European Heart Journal (2013) 34, 2472–2480 doi:10.1093/eurheartj/eht083.; 5. Comparison of false alert rate in validation studies: D’Onofrio et al. Europace 2021 doi:10.1093/europace/euab170; Boehmer JP et al. J Am Coll Cardiol Heart Fail. 2017 Mar, 5 (3) 216–225; Cowie MR et al. European Heart Journal (2013) 34, 2472–2480 doi:10.1093/eurheartj/eht083.; 6. D’Onofrio A et al. Combining home monitoring temporal trends from implanted defibrillators and baseline patient risk profile to predict heart failure hospitalisations: results from the SELENE HF study. Europace 2021 doi: 10.1093/europace/euab170.; 7. Home Monitoring daily parameters combined with 1 baseline risk stratifier based on the Seattle Heart Failure Model (Levy WC, Mozaffarian D, Linker DT, Sutradhar SC, Anker SD, Cropp AB, Anand I, Maggioni A, Burton P, Sullivan MD, Pitt B, Poole-Wilson PA, Mann DL, Packer M, 2006. The Seattle Heart Failure Model: Prediction of Survival in Heart Failure. Circulation, 113:1424-1433.); 8. Data on file.

* 42 days refers to median alert time.

** Available for Acticor/Rivacor, Ilivia Neo/Intica Neo, Ilivia/Intica /Inlexa -5 and -7 series ICD DX/DC and CRT-D.

*** Based on current standard practice and clinical judgement

Disclaimer: HeartInsight is approved and available in CE regions only.