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Medical ID

Since we usually have them on us, smartphones can be a valuable tool in an emergency. Most mobile phones offer you the possibility to enter medical information or the contact details of a loved one that can be accessed should you get into an accident or be found unconscious.

Medical ID on iPhone in front of a patient

What Is the Medical ID?

iPhone users usually have the possibility to set up their Medical ID on the iPhone or iPad. You can enter data like your age, medical conditions etc. Emergency Services should know how to access these data on your phone even when you are unconscious. Please only add data that you are comfortable sharing with people who know how to access this information.

EMT in front of an ambualnce

How Do I Set Up my Medical ID?

You can use the following path to get to your Medical ID on your iPhone:

Settings -> Health -> Medical ID

To change the data in your Medical ID press “Edit”.

Another way to reach the pre-installed Health app is either looking for it on your screen or searching for it in the search bar. Depending on your iOS, you probably just have to swipe down on your screen to access the search bar. Type “health” and your phone will show you the Health app. Tap on the app and it will open.

Tap on the icon next to summary and then Medical ID.

Search Bar -> Health app Icon -> Medical ID.

Now you are ready to enter your Medical Conditions, Allergies & Reactions, Medications, Blood Type, Weight and Height, as well as your Emergency Contacts. You can also determine whether or not your Medical ID should be shown when your iPhone is locked. This would be beneficial in cases you are unconscious.

It is advisable to not only enter the names of your medications but also the dosage and when you have to them and how many.

For example:

You have to take Ramipril 5mg twice a day, once in the morning, and once in the evening. In this case, you might want to enter under Medications the following:

Ramipril 5mg (1-0-1)

This way the emergency services know that you take 5mg of Ramipril in the morning and the evening.

It is also recommended to enter when you last updated the information in your Medical Notes. This gives the emergency responders an idea of when you last updated the information in the Medical ID.

Don’t forget to save your changes before closing your Medical ID