BIOTRONIK Left Bundle Branch Area Delivery System
BIOTRONIK’s Solia S & Selectra 3D are the first and only FDA-approved stylet-driven lead and dedicated delivery catheter combination indicated for LBBAP.1,2
Backed by extensive evidence, Solia S and Selectra 3D have shown a low lead complication rate,3 high implant success rate,3 and low, stable thresholds at 12-month follow up.4
Solia S is the only FDA-approved LBBAP lead backed by a prospective IDE trial.
Product Highlights
Implant with Confidence
Drive Efficiency
Proven in the Real World
Proven in more than 80,000 patients worldwide and over 30 clinical studies1
1. Data on file. As of July 2024.
2. BIOTRONIK Solia S, Selectra 3D technical manuals. Abbott CPS Locator 3D manual; Boston Scientific Ingevity+, SSPC Catheter manuals.
3. Liu, et al. Left bundle branch area pacing using a stylet-driven, retractable-helix lead: Short-term results from a prospective multicenter IDE trial (the BIO-CONDUCT study). Heart Rhythm. 2024 May 19:S1547-5271(24)02547-5. Epub ahead of print.
4. De Pooter, et al. Initial experience of left bundle branch area pacing using stylet-driven pacing leads: A multicenter study. J Cardiovasc Electrophysiol. 2022; 33(7):1540-1549.
5. Sritharan, et al. Procedural outcome and follow-up of stylet-driven leads compared with lumenless leads for left bundle branch area pacing. Europace. 2023 Oct 5;25(10)
6. Burri H, Jastrzebski M, Cano Ó, et al. EHRA clinical consensus statement on conduction system pacing implantation: endorsed by the Asia Pacific Heart Rhythm Society (APHRS), Canadian Heart Rhythm Society (CHRS), and Latin American Heart Rhythm Society (LAHRS). Europace. 2023; 25(4): 1208-1236.
7. Cano, et al. Acute performance of stylet driven leads for left bundle branch area pacing: A comparison with lumenless leads. Heart Rhythm O2. 2023;4:765-776.
8. De Pooter, et al. Utility of a guiding catheter for conduction system pacing: an early multicentre experience. Heart Rhythm O2. 2024;5(1):8-16.