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A Message to Our Valued Customers and Their Patients

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues, we are conscious of the enormous strain that you are all under. We share your concerns about the spread of the virus and the disruption it is causing globally. We are doing what we can to help minimize this disruption and to provide support so that you can focus on the critical task of saving lives. To this end, we would like to inform you of the following:

​​​​​​​Supply of Devices and Services for Your Patients

We are committed to securing the ongoing supply of our life-saving medical devices so that they reach patients in need. All of our manufacturing sites, in Germany, Switzerland, the U.S. and Singapore, remain operational at this point in time and have comprehensive contingency plans in place. Being highly vertically integrated, we have unique control over our supply chain. The BIOTRONIK Home Monitoring Service Center is also fully functional.

Our legal manufacturers for Cardiac Rhythm Management and Vascular Intervention devices have been officially designated “system-critical infrastructure” and are thus especially protected from being impacted by changes in local regulations related to COVID-19. In addition, our stock is well distributed to minimize disruption caused by any potential further restrictions. In summary, we anticipate no short-term supply shortages.

Patient Safety and Health

Patients can be assured that all devices BIOTRONIK produces are sterile. All of our support functions, including Home Monitoring’s automatic daily transmissions, continue to operate and our patient support lines are open. The proactive use of BIOTRONIK Home Monitoring has been shown to significantly reduce mortality and the worsening of heart failure1. Home Monitoring can also help reduce the need for patient hospitalizations due to inappropriate shocks, atrial arrhythmia and related stroke2,3.

Support of Social Distancing and Reduction of Your Workload

Minimizing personal contact is a key strategy in the fight against the spread of COVID-19. Studies have demonstrated that face-to-face visits can be safely and efficiently reduced by using Home Monitoring for remote patient management4,5, which is more important now than ever.

To help minimize the risk to patients and those working on the front lines of the pandemic, we are expanding our online implant support service to help reduce the necessity for external staff to visit hospitals. Our local sales-representatives and technicians are available remotely to answer any questions or concerns, and to offer support with devices. If requested, we can always provide in-person support for physicians and hospitals.

Importantly, while health care professionals are dealing with unprecedented pressure in clinics, emergency rooms and operating theaters around the globe, Home Monitoring has also been shown to help decrease workloads by 40%4,5.

Protecting our Staff

The health and safety of our staff and the public is a major concern, so all staff who can work remotely have now been directed to do so and only essential business travel is permitted. All of our manufacturing sites also adhere to rigorous hygiene and cleaning protocols in compliance with local regulations and international standards.

BIOTRONIK is a privately owned company and we have been making lifesaving medical devices for more than 50 years. We have maximal control over the quality of our devices and we are very well equipped to deal with this rapidly changing situation. We will continue to monitor the COVID-19 pandemic as it develops and remain committed to updating you with any relevant changes.



1. Hindricks G et al. The Lancet. 2014, 384(9943)

2. L. Guedon-Moreau, C et al. J Cardiovasc Electrophysiol. 2014, 25(763-770)

3. Mabo P, et al. Eur Heart J. 2012, 33(1105-11)

4. Varma N et al. Circulation. 2010, 122(325-332)

5. Garcia-Fernandez FJ et al, EHJ. 2019, 23(1837-1846)


At BIOTRONIK, patient well-being is our top priority and has been for 60 years. BIOTRONIK is a leading global medical technology company with products and services that save and improve the lives of millions suffering from heart and blood vessel diseases as well as chronic pain. Driven by a purpose to perfectly match technology with the human body, we are dedicated innovators who develop trusted cardiovascular, endovascular and neuromodulation solutions. BIOTRONIK is headquartered in Berlin, Germany, and is represented in over 100 countries.