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Passeo®-35 Xeo®

Low profile PTA balloon with excellent deliverability in a wide range of sizes

With usable lengths up to 170cm, Passeo-35 Xeo balloon allows a radial approach1 to dilate stenosis in the iliac*, femoral, popliteal and infrapopliteal arteries. Passeo-35 Xeo balloon is also recommended for post-dilation of stents in the peripheral vasculature and for the treatment of obstructive lesions of native or synthetic arteriovenous dialysis fistulae.**


Vascular Intervention Peripheral PVI Balloon Catheters

Product Highlights


Improved crossability

Advanced tip design and low crossing profile


Excellent deliverability

Great trackability and strong pushability


Low profile, wide range of sizes

Full 5F compatibility up to 7.0 x 250 mm

Improved crossability

Lower entry profile and advanced tip profile to facilitate crossing

Up to 0.16 mm lower tip entry profile compared to leading competitors2

passeo 35 xeo

Lowest crossing profile

Up to 0.22 mm lower crossing profile compared to leading competitors2

Excellent deliverability

Excellent trackability and pushability

Up to +19.5% more pushability when compared to competitive 0.035’’ PTA balloon catheters3

Low profile, wide range of sizes

Full 5F compatibility up to 7.0 x 250 mm

Low profile design with full 5F compatibility up to 7.0 mm balloon diameter and 250 mm balloon length, 6F up to 10.0 mm and 7F up to 12.0 mm diameter.

Product Overview

Passeo-35 Xeo


Technical Data

Balloon Catheter
Catheter type OTW
Recommended guide wire 0.035''
Tip Low entry profile, colored
Balloon material SCP (Semi-Crystalline Polymer),

controlled compliance
Balloon coating

Hydrophobic patchwork coating

Balloon markers 2 swaged markers
Sizes ø 3.0-12.0 mm; L: 20-250 mm
Shaft 5.1-5.4F, dual-lumen,

hydrophobic coating
Usable length 90, 130 and 170 cm
Guide wire lumen Hydrophobic coating


Ordering Information

  Balloon ø (mm) NP¤ RBP¤ Catheter length 90 cm

Balloon length (mm)
        20 40 60 80 100 120 150 170 200 250
5F 3 9 21 428777 428786 428795 428804 - - - - - -
4 9 20 428778 428787 428796 428805 428814 428823 - - - -
5 9 19 428779 428788 428797 428806 428815 428824 428833 - 428843 428848
6 9 16 428780 428789 428798 428807 428816 428825 428834 - 428844 428849
7 9 15 428781 428790 428799 428808 428817 - - - - -
6F 8 9 14 428782 428791 428800 428809 428818 - - - - -
9 9 12 428783 428792 428801 428810 428819 - -
10 8 11 428784 428793 428802 428811 428820 - - - - -
7F 12 8 10 - 428794 428803 428812 428821 - - - - -
  Balloon ø (mm) NP¤ RBP¤ Catheter length 130 cm

Balloon length (mm)
        20 40 60 80 100 120 150 170 200 250
5F 3 9 21 428851 428860 428869 428878 428887 428896 428905 428910 428915 428920
4 9 20 428852 428861 428870 428879 428888 428897 428906 428911 428916 428921
5 9 19 428853 428862 428871 428880 428889 428898 428907 428912 428917 428922
6 9 16 428854 428863 428872 428881 428890 428899 428908 428913 428918 428923
7 9 15 428855 428864 428873 428882 428891 428900 428909 428914 428919 428924
6F 8 9 14 428856 428865 428874 428883 428892 428901 - - - -
9 9 12 428857 428866 428875 428884 428893 428902b        
10 8 11 428858 428867 428876 428885 428894 428903b - - - -
7F 12 8 10 - 428868 428877 428886 428895 428904b - - - -
  Balloon ø (mm) NP¤ RBP¤ Catheter length 170 cm

Balloon length (mm)
        20 40 60 80 100 120 150 170 200 250
5F 4 9 20 - 428935b 428944b 428953b - 428971b 428980b - 428990b 428995b
5 9 19 428927b 428936b 428945b 428954b - 428972b 428981b - 428991b 428996b
6 9 16 428928b 428937b 428946b 428955b - 428973b 428982b - 428992b 428997b
7 9 15 428929b 428938b 428947b 428956b - - - - - -
6F 8 9 14 428930b 428939b 428948b 428957b - - - - - -
9 9 12 - 428940b 428949b 428958b - - - - - -
10 8 11 - 428941b 428950b 428959b - - - - - -
¤NP = Nominal Pressure and RBP = Rated Burst Pressure in atm (1 atm = 1.013 bar)

b8 weeks pre-order only


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*Note for Australia: Passeo-35 Xeo not approved by Therapeutic Goods Administration for use in the common iliac arteries. **Indication as per IFU.

1. Truesdell et al. Interv Cardiol 2015;7(1)55-76.pdf; 2. BIOTRONIK data on file. Compared to leading competitors 6.0 mm diameter balloon size. IIB(P) 39/2017; 3. BIOTRONIK data on file. Compared to leading competitors 6.0x200 mm balloon size.

Passeo and Xeo are trademarks or registered trademarks of the BIOTRONIK Group of Companies. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.